Justice Department Announces $17 Million In Awards To Support Sex Offender Registration, Assessment, Intervention

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) today announced more than $17 million in Fiscal Year 2015 grant assistance for states, territories and tribal governments to use in implementing and enhancing sex offender programming throughout the United States. Full Article

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More money wasted on worthless AWA and I wonder how much JW had to with this money grab. That will be 17 million donuts, at a buck a piece.

And that’s 17 million dollars that could have been put to better use.

The difficult challenge monitoring sex offenders. Hmm maybe you stop doing it and use the money somewhere that it might actually help someone

Today, a man in Fresno was sentenced to just 9 years in state prison for the murder of a toddler.

Every single day, children are bullied, beaten and murdered.

There is NO murderer registry in nearly all states. Why not?

Complete waste of funds!

I think they need to change their name from SMART to something else.

Did I read the article correctly? It mentioned something about high recidivism rates… I wonder where they got their numbers?

We ladies and gentlemen have the resources and power to effect changing/stopping these kind of policies. I am currently training those interested in hitting communities right at their core. It’s a grassroots program that has affected elections for our good. WATCH OUT ELECTION 2016!!!! Come with me and become a trainer and advacate for change directly in your area among your local officials. My aim is to spread a civil rights constitutional net across the whole state of California. Be the change you want to see and join our efforts forward. I’ll be training you to use a skill that will make you income as one of the three components the program. As our numbers grow so grows our strength. Crazy but the Registry list may just become the source to it’s own demise. Robert Curtis (949) 872-8768.

Does anyone know: does this announcement by the Justice Department mean that John Walsh got what he wanted from his recent lobby of Congress where he threatens to “name names.” Or is this unreleated?

Unrelated. This is the DOJ’s end of fiscal year great money giveaway to law enforcement. This is FY 2015 money that will expire on Sep 30 2015. This DOJ spending their excessive FY 2015 budget to zero. DOJ also gave away $44 million to law enforcement and others for “combating human trafficking”
Link: https://www.fbi.gov/seattle/press-releases/2015/attorney-general-lynch-announces-44-million-in-grant-funding-to-combat-human-trafficking-and-support-survivors
Note that $1 million went to the International Police Chief Association and the majority goes to law enforcement.

I am amazed that all my fellow RSOs, do not have a opinion on my post. aren’t any of you guys worried that it might come to our state??? thats why i posted it. for other views and opinions. please respond ;]

Our money should wisely be spend in other way. Prevention, in other way and shouldn’t it better it, go to reform.
We need to have our voice heard, by those we elected. Is a good start. Not a easy one I may say. I called my Congressman, from my district. To have been told he had other pressing matter at this time.
That my issue was not at this time.
He will hear from me again for sure. If not now when his term is done, and when he needs mcalling. Mean while I will keep calling , because it important.